First of all, you should know that this Logger is suitable for projects using .Net framework 4.7.2+ To use this logger please follow these steps: Install SQLiteRequestResponseLogger Nuget Package. Download log file from this link . In your configuration file (web.config) please add the following App Settings: LiteRequestResponseLogFilePath: Path of Log file that you downloaded with respect to project folder. Make sure to add this key to avoid exceptions. <add key="LiteRequestResponseLogFilePath" value="<Path-to-log-file>"/> LiteLogsCount: Number of logs you want to view in one page. If you don't add this key, default value of 20 log will be viewed. <add key="LiteLogsCount" value="<number-of-logs>"/> LiteLogPassword: Password to access logs page. Make sure to add this key as logs page will not be accessible if it is missed. <add key="LiteLogPassword" value="<Password>"/...